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Instrumentenset für Rekonstruktionsplatten
Instrumentenset für Rekonstruktionsplatten

Instrumentenset für Rekonstruktionsplatten

1Ischiadic Nerve Retractor——
2Large Fragment Reduction Device——
3Forceps with T handle——
5Pelvic Reduction Forceps (Small)——
6Pelvic Reduction Forceps (Large)——
7Pelvis Reduction Forceps——
8Reduction Forcep with Two Hands——
9Reduction Forceps with Three Jaws——
10Reduction Forceps(Straight)——
11Reduction Forceps(Small Bend)——
12Reduction Forceps(Large Bend)——
13Bone Clamp(Flat)——
14Bone Clamp(Curved)——
16Reduction Forceps for Hip——
17Bending Template (Straight)——
18Bending Template (Curved)——
19Plate Plier——
20Plate BenderL、R
21Double Head Drill Guide2.7、3.2
22Guide for Soft Drill2.8
23Bone Drill2.7
24Bone Drill3.2
25Bone Drill(Soft Drill )2.5
26Depth Gauge——
27Drill Guide for Tap3.5、4.0
28Screw TapHA3.5
29screw TapHB3.5
30Screwdriver(Sleeve Hexagon)2.5
32Screwdriver(Universal Hexagon)2.5

*Produktregistrierung und Verfügbarkeit variieren je nach Land. Für weitere Informationen zur Produktverfügbarkeit kontaktieren Sie uns bitte hier.

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